Welcome to Gather 25 GR South! We hope that you encounter the prescence of God in real way as we join together with believers across the world. Here’s what you can expect throughout the duration of our time together:
Prayer | Corporately, as well as available in the worship center by the cross
Worship | Throughout the event we’ll spend time together praising God
Baptism | If you haven’t been baptised and have made Jesus lord of your life, you have the opportunity to make a public declaration of that faith through baptism
Gather 25 will take place over 25 hours starting at 8pm on February 28, through 9pm on March 1. We will gather in person at New Life Church in Wayland on Feb 28 from 8p-12a, and Mar 1 from 6p-9p. Outside of the posted gathering times, you can still participate in the livestream by clicking the button below.
Helpful Info
Ask someone with the Gather25 nametag if you need help!
Prayer rooms are available for a more quiet enviornment for you to meet with God
You are welcome to come as go as you need. The event is an open house style event.
Bathrooms are available in the lobby past the cafe area
Refreshments and snacks will be provided throughout the event at the cafe
Space is available for nursing. Ask one of the hosts for help locating the room